Design, manufacturing and development since 1927  

wagons and implements

Wagons and implements for agriculture and industry.

We design and manufacture various wagons and implements in collaboration with, among others, Etebra and Bengt Bergs Maskinservice AB. 

Industrial wagons

We manufacture tailor-made industrial trolleys according to the costomer´s needs and business. The carts can be equipped with four-wheel steering and brakes. 
Sold via Etebra

Bale trailers

We manufacture MOVA bale wagons for the transport of all types of wegetables on pallets, silage and straw bales, long goods and general piece goods.                             
Sold via Etebra

Header trailers

We manufacture different variants of header trailers that can be adapted to most combine harvesters on the market, e.g. to New Holland, Claas, Case and John Deere.         
Sold via Etebra

Loaders for Minidumpers

We design and manufacture loaders for Canycom S120, S160 and S300 Minidumpers.
Sold via Bengt Bergs Maskinservice AB

Accessories for Wheel loaders

We design and manufacture tilt mounts that are adapted to implement carriers, tractors and loaders. Mainly suitable for machines between 2 tonnes and 8 tonnes.                 
Sold via Bengt Bergs Maskinservice AB